Tuesday, March 31, 2009

all done up

yeah so that's me, taking a photo of myself in the mirror to document this.

farmer's market and central park, new york

Sunday, March 29, 2009

on the way

new york

where i've been this past week.

went on a photo field trip. we visited some awesome photographers, including ilan ruben, sarah silver, and christopher griffith.

we also got to tour martha stewart's empire. it was pretty rad.

here are a few favorite photos. more to come very soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

bowl of tomatoes

we bought a bunch of cherry tomatoes last night.
has anyone else noticed how terrible the normal sized (and normal priced) tomatoes have been lately?
if you know where i can get some decent romas, let me know.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

old film

i've been going through the piles and piles of film i have from high school.
it's been fun.
today i photographed it all on a light table to be able to look at it as positives. and decide what to scan.
here are a few (really terrible quality) images i liked. they were taken when i was 15 or so on the isle d'aix off the west coast of france.

i'm sure i'll soon replace these with actual scans, so your eyes won't have to hurt when you look at them.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i wore these to church today

they're red.

an awesome font

andy and i teach primary.

for any of you out there who aren't aware of what that entails, means that every week we're responsible for teaching sunday school to a bunch of rowdy eight year olds for an hour, and then getting them to stay still and not speak in belches for another hour long group class called sharing time.

this week, our class was in charge of sharing time.
kind of scary...
i can't say i'm looking forward to the next time. at least we'll have learned our lesson not to give our kids candy beforehand.

on the upside, i had to print some scriptures, and i dug out an awesome font from my archives (i'm an avid font downloader).

this was my first time using it, but i definitely want to find some excuses to use it again.
if you're interested, i downladed it from here.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

my apologies

i've been a terrible blogger of late.

i'm going to go ahead and blame midterms and the fact that my dad came to town and dragged me off to moab for a climbing weekend.

regardless, i've got catching up to do.

sorry to deprive you of the visual goodies that are my photographs for almost two weeks. i'm sure you've been missing me horribly.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

sunday napping

birds on a roof

i took a detour when i was walking home from campus last week. it was kind of a weird day...it was springy but it felt like fall.